What's new at WorldWideWohlgemuth?
(You're absolutly encouraged to help me
improving my english skills!!!)
Year: 2024+
??? | Just give me a Mail! |
on it |
recomended a "Hall of Fame" with famous Wohlgemuths of the past. What do you think about it? Who should be in it??? |
1st January 2024 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2023 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2022 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2021 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2020 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2019 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2018 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2017 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2016 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2015 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
01st January 2014 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
01st January 2013 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2012 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
1st January 2011 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year: 2010
This site is alive! But I'm quite busy this days. Working and diving . You will hear about it. | |
01st January 2010 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year: 2009
This site is alive! But I'm quite busy this days. Working and diving . You will hear about it. | |
01st January 2009 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
01st January 2008 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year: 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
August 2007 |
To celebrate my 40th birthday I did my 100th dive. We reached 50 m maximum depth. Temperature was 5.2 °C. ;-) I' am diving with the ETDO (European Technical Dive Organisation) now. |
26. August 2007 | I' am 40 years old now. |
Juli 2007 |
You can now have a look on a few pictures from diving. Sorry no english text yet, but still pretty pictures. Have a look! |
April 2007 | 300.000 Visitors at www.wohlgemuth.com since 1998. |
01st January 2007 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
19th August 2006 | I am a PADI-Diver since today. Maledives I am coming! (December) |
28th April 2006 | private Wohlgemuths: Felix asked me to remove his data |
01st January 2006 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
21st December 2005 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Allan Wohlgemuth (Kopenhagen, DK) private Wohlgemuths: new: Franklin Wohlgemuth (Buenos Aires, RA) |
April 2005 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Fabian Andreas W. (Düsseldorf, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Petra Wohlgemuth (Ingelheim, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Jan Wohlgemuth (Horsens, DK) private Wohlgemuths: changed: WWW and Email of Gerhard |
February 2005 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Philip Wohlgemuth (Innsbruck, A) private Wohlgemuths: new: Gertrude Wohlgemuth (Reguiny, FR) private Wohlgemuths: new: André Wohlgemuth (Plau am See, DE) private Wohlgemuths: changed: Email of Kurt private Wohlgemuths: new: Alexander Wohlgemuth (Adelaide, AU) private Wohlgemuths: new: Peggy Wohlgemuth (Frankfurt a.d. Oder, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Andrej Wohlgemuth (Fellbach, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Christian Wohlgemuth (Berlin, DE) |
12th January 2005 | 200.000 Visitors at www.wohlgemuth.com since 1998. |
01st January 2005 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
October 2004 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Christoph Wohlgemuth (Landshut, DE) private Wohlgemuths: changed: WWW and Email of Mike W. private Wohlgemuths: changed: there is a picture of Kurt now private Wohlgemuths: new: Jennifer Wohlgemuth (Berlin, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Wolfgang Wohlgemuth (Cologne, DE) |
01th January 2004 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Christmas 2003 | 150.000th Guest visited www.wohlgemuth.com |
November 2003 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Dr. André C. Wohlgemuth (Zurich, CH) private Wohlgemuths: new: Sven Wohlgemuth (Engelskirchen, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Tanja Wohlgemuth (Engelskirchen, DE) private Wohlgemuths: new: Phillipp Wohlgemuth (Engelskirchen, DE) |
August 2003 |
email (grabbed by email-spiders) is in a rush. To protect your privacy, I decided to remove all clickable mail-links for both, Wohlgemuths and CBX-Bikers. I used @-Pics to block spider-"guests". If you want to use an email-adress of these lists, please note the adress by hand and type it manually in your favourite email-programm. Your inbox will like it this way! (If your ... is big enough, and if you don't need any pills ;-) |
August 2003 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Stefan Wohlgemuth (Bremen, Germany) private Wohlgemuths: new: Stefan Wohlgemuth (Remscheid, Germany) private Wohlgemuths: updated: email-adress of Thorsten W. |
August 2003 |
After a
long time of silence, there are news again. I had a hollyday, a lot of work. I broke my collar-bone (Bike-Accident) and there was even more work for me after that. But I'm back now! |
April 2003 |
xxxx: has been downloaded
100.000 times (I wrote a programm for flexitime-calculation, witch is getting better(?) every year. Sorry, there is no english version.) |
01th January 2003 | A Happy New Year to all of You! |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
05th August 2002 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Carla Wohlgemuth |
20th April 2002 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Wolfgang Wohlgemuth |
08th March 2002 | History: Rolfs family crest |
02nd February 2002 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Rolf Wohlgemuth |
13th Januar 2002 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Tanja Wohlgemuth (2nd Tanja) |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
30th December 2001 | History: Village Wohlgemuth in Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt) |
17th December 2001 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Eduardo Germano Wohlgemuth |
09th December 2001 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Tanja Wohlgemuth |
28th October 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Picture of Thomas W. (ID 004) private Wohlgemuths: new: Judy Vulgamott History: the lane Wohlgemuth in Vienna |
10th September 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Pedro Wolgemuth private Wohlgemuths: new: Thorsten Wohlgemuth |
26th June 2001 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Heinrich Wohlgemuth |
09th June 2001 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Josh Wohlgemuth |
14th May 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Nadine Wohlgemuth private Wohlgemuths: new: Felix von Wohlgemuth |
22nd April 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Thomas Wohlgemuth (3rd Thomas) private Wohlgemuths: new: Michaels email-adress |
08th April 2001 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Bernd Wohlgemuth |
05th April 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Heinrich Wohlgemuth business Wohlgemuths: new: TVA Nord (Joerg W.) |
12th March 2001 | Wohlgemuth History: added: www.genealogy.com |
26th February 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Lorenz Wohlgemuth private Wohlgemuths: new: Markus Wohlgemuth |
19th February 2001 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Kaleb Wohlgemuth private Wohlgemuths: new: Rudolf Wohlgemuth private Wohlgemuths: new: Christians Picture |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
22th December 2000 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Nils Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. |
14th November 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Eric A. |
06th November 2000 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Christian private Wohlgemuths: new: Udo |
05th November 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Andreas (auch Business) |
20th August 2000 |
www.wohlgemuth.org: is back online and growing!
(free Homepages!!!) private Wohlgemuths: new: Ingrid |
13th August 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Lorenzo 50th Entry!!! |
03rd August 2000 |
www.wohlgemuth.org: there are temporary
problems to view this site since Yahoo.com is part of GeoCities.com, Sorry about that. |
14th July 2000 |
Wohlgemuths: updated: Joergs Homepage (de) Flexi-Time-Sheet ----> 25.000th Download !!! |
26th April 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Gerhard |
14th April 2000 |
My Flexi-Time-Excel-Sheet
(german) is now available for Staroffice. It has been downloaded 10,000 times in it's Year 2000-Edition. Reports in Stern.de and PC-Welt.de, 2 german magazines has been issued. The monthly data-stream out of WorldWide Wohlgemuth has reached 1 GB first time at Easter! It seems possible to reach 2 Gig by the end of April. |
10th April 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Stefan |
03rd April 2000 No, it was not CIH !!! |
I installt the free BeOS 5.0 and tried to start it after
a few changes within my Linux-partitions. Since this day all content of my harddisks was gone. No more MBRs, partitions-tables or even FATs. Lucky: My Win95 system-disk was protected by LiLo. MBR gone, but FAT32 was found by Norton DiskDoctor. Disks D: und E: stayed in Nirwana. Lucky II: BackUp of all important Data on 01.04. I'm still waiting for an answer of Be-Support! Please be patient, if my responses on your wishes will take a few days. I have to do a lot of repair.Any help out there? Any suggestions? |
22th March 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Michael from Munich |
15th March 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Sue |
01st January 2000 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Jens |
Year 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
07th December 1999 |
I have good and valuable news from Jan Wohlgemuth: Look at this!!! There has been established the Wohlgemuth-Chat and free Homepages with: www.wohlgemuth.org/YourName |
05th December 1999 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Lee&Marti (Belgium) and Nathalie (Germany) History: Lee's line of Wohlgemuths |
15th November 1999 | You may search through WorldWideWohlgemuth from now on. |
04th November 1999 |
A new Version of Gleitzeiterfassung for 2K ist ready to download(?)! The files are available at Downloadbereich |
23rd September 1999 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: another Brian (Iowa), Next Step to WorldWideWohlgemuth: private Wohlgemuths: new: Bruno and Giselle from Australia |
20th September 1999 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Kurt submitted by Kurt --> History: First Known Wohlgemuths in CH |
7th September 1999 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Karin |
5th September 1999 |
private Wohlgemuths:
more then one document (faster access!) private Wohlgemuths: new: another Joerg, this (news-)page may be linked directly (without frames). |
3rd September 1999 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Holger und Joerg |
26th August 1999 |
You may enter your search-requests for W...s into WANTED! I am 32 years old. |
11th August 1999 | I saw the total Eclipse in Bavaria! Sorry for any delays resulting of this trip. |
10th August 1999 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Deanna and Loren, Jr. |
4th August 1999 | private Wohlgemuths: new: Karoline and Norbert |
2nd August 1999 |
private Wohlgemuths:
new: Carol and Roger What ist the meaning of "Wohlgemuth"?: new version proudly presented by www.janwonet.de. (That's Jan W.) New flag to the Englisch Site. Maybe I'll get a few hits there. |
27th July 1999 |
new Version (v3) of Flexitime with MS Excel. Thanks to Inge Restle from FhG-EMI. She found the Bug. |
26th July 1999 |
The guestbook
is online. comments to the webmaster now via FormMail, Wohlgemuth-Links: you may use FormMail to make, change and delete your entry. (You don't need an email-account for this.) |
12th July 1999 |
this page private Wohlgemuths: new: Andy, Lennart and Sarah Homepage: Removed Live-Cursors (caused trouble for visitors) |
8th July 1999 |
(de): Zeltplatz "Mecklenburger Seecamping Flessenow" Homepage: Added Live-Cursor |