Bedeutung des Namen / Meaning of the Name

mit freundlicher Genehmigung von / Presented by
     Jan Wohlgemuth:

Sonstiges / Miscellaneous

Lee & Marti Wohlgemuth wrote:
There is a lane named Wohlgemuth, in Vienna's 22nd district, on the east
side of the Danube.  It is a dead-end street, one block long, with
apartment buildings on both sides.  Have a look at this pics

Jan Wohlgemuth sent me this picture-link:
The Village Wohlgemuth which is in Germany (Sachsen-Anhalt).
Have a look at the place name sign (Ortseingangsschild)  
Here you can look up how to reach it in Germany. (at

Treffen und Tradition / Reunions and Tradition

John Mark Wohlgemuth wrote:
We have a Wohlgemuth Family reunion every year in Effingham, KS.
On a "good" year we will have around 150 people in attendance.
This is ancestors of Henry and Susanna Wohlgemuth who came to the US from Germany

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Geschichte der / History of the Wohlgemuths:

Wohlgemuths in der Schweiz / Wohlgemuths in Switzerland   (de)

Rolfs Familien-Wappen / Rolfs family crest    (de)

Lee's Linie der Wohlgemuths / Lee's Ancestors (en)

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(Ich warte auf eure Daten! / I'am waiting for your files!)

PS: Ich stelle selbst keine Recherchen an. / I do not research myself.